Shaping the Future: Student Leaders Speak 

As the saying goes, the kids are alright. This generation of students are smart, savvy and ready to take on the world. We sat down to interview student leaders from our Australian and New Zealand campuses, to uncover their ideas, experiences and reflections on teachers, technology and the future.

On Teachers

Ask any OSG student and they’ll tell you what makes their school unique – its positive and supportive learning environment. As OneSchool Global is an international network of schools, students have the opportunity to collaborate with students and teachers from all over the world, finding support and/or extension from others who have expertise and experience.

“I’ve found that the teachers are always willing to help, and they’re supportive of any goals or ideas. The culture here is really positive with everyone being there to help each other out. I come to school each day looking forward to the interactions I have with everyone,” shares Charlotte, a Year 12 student who’s based at the Gore Campus in New Zealand.

“I was recently struggling with a Maths standard, so I talked to my teacher in a tutorial on Zoom who pointed me towards an online resource. Furthermore, I was receiving help from a teacher locally on-site as well. These different layers of support are awesome for our learning,” explains Milan, another senior student based at the Auckland Campus in New Zealand. 

“The teachers have put countless hours into my development, and they are always available to assist with questions. The advantage of being in a fairly small school system is that we as students get personal attention, and one-on-one interaction with teachers, which is invaluable,” says Sarah, a Year 12 student at the Maryborough campus in Queensland, Australia. 


On Technology

At OneSchool Global, students utilise technology in their learning each and every day. There are lessons and tutorials conducted via Zoom as well as Assignments, which are based on Canvas – our learning management system. OneSchool Global’s Learning Centres (classrooms) provide students with access to digital devices for research, assignments and special projects. 

“With so much technology available, it really creates enjoyable learning experiences. We have the ability to collaborate and learn with others from around the country,” Charlotte explains. “Students are also provided with a lot of resources, including research.”

“With all my classes being on Zoom, and all course material delivered via Canvas, my time at OneSchool has really helped me to develop a strong relationship with technology. This is crucial, not only for my success now but for my future outside of school,” reveals Ruby, a senior student at the Toowoomba campus in Queensland, Australia.

“I have learnt how to use multiple platforms, such as Microsoft, Zoom and Canvas,” shares Chardonny, a Year 12 student at the Melton campus in Victoria, Australia. “These technologies have enabled me to study independently. I can complete tasks individually and efficiently throughout my ‘study’ periods at school.”


On the Future

OneSchool Global’s Learning to Learn Framework aims to develop students who are independent, flexible and self-motivated. This unique approach to teaching and learning was designed to help students become life-ready.

“OneSchool has made me a life-ready student with a strong work ethic. It has trained me in skills such as planning, consistency and responsibility. These skills go beyond the classroom and will enable me to grow, succeed and become a great employee in the future,” says Blythe, a Year 12 student from the Perth campus in Western Australia.

“The ability to be self-directed in my learning has meant I’ve developed skills like problem solving, communication and goal setting. These will be useful to me wherever I go when I finish school,” Charlotte reveals.

“Ever since the first day, OneSchool Global has been working towards preparing me for my future outside of school. The mantra of Learning to Learn has been at the forefront of how we are educated. Now, approaching the end of my schooling, I have confidence in my abilities to succeed in the workplace,” Milan shares.


If you are an educator who’s seeking a fresh perspective on teaching and learning, OneSchool Global, a network of schools with 125 campuses worldwide, could be the place for you. Learn more here. 

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