With a significant investment in the professional development of our staff, OneSchool Global is developing leaders in Education.
The most recent addition to our comprehensive development program is the “Frontline Leader Impact” program.
Delivered in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership, the 6-week pilot program sees 35 OneSchool Educational Leaders participating from across the twenty countries in which OneSchool operates.
“In addition to the range of training programs on offer from our in-house Teacher Academy, the Frontline Leader Impact program is an investment in the development of our next generation of leaders and managers,” said Regional Principal Jonathon Borys.
“It was great to see the cohort of OneSchool Global leaders connecting, collaborating and learning together from across the globe. It really is another example of the opportunities available to educators at OneSchool Global”.
The program covers a range of key leadership challenges and includes units on self-awareness, learning agility, communication, influencing and motivating others. While there is some instructional and contextualizing content, the program mirrors OneSchool’s own self-directed learning approach, with participants taking part in peer discussions, individual learning, and regular self-assessment and self-reflection exercises.
The Frontline Leader Impact program is a fitting addition to the wide range of development programs provided to OneSchool Global educators. OneSchool provides free, ongoing professional development to equip educators for teaching success in today’s increasingly digital world.
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