Recognising International Day of Education 2025

The theme of International Day of Education for 2025 is AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation.

As a school that spans 20 countries and over 120 campuses, technology plays a critical role in connecting OneSchool Global’s (OSG) more than 8,000 students and 2,000 staff across campus, state, national and international borders.

As technology grows and evolves, so too does OneSchool Global. OneSchool Students use technology in their day-to-day learning in a way that enhances their educational autonomy.

Supported by this technology, the global footprint of OneSchool Global provides students and staff with range of unique extracurricular and developmental opportunities. Just one example of this OSG’s global Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) program, which sees students from 19 different countries enabled by technology to collaborate together on projects to encourage deeper learning STEM subjects.

This program, created by OSG Sydney Campus Secondary Teacher Professor Peter Wilson, will run for a second year across OneSchool Global. Students from Australia, France, Sweden, America, New Zealand, England and the Caribbean can link up with their peers, working on scientific hypotheses and mathematical problems. Not only does the program encourage students to explore subjects beyond the curriculum that they are passionate about, but they are also able to broaden their horizons beyond geographical boundaries.

But, as any schools must, OneSchool Global remains vigilant about keeping children safe while online on school-issued devices. Personal devices such as mobile phones and Smart Watches are banned from Campus, and OSG takes a multilayered approach to internet safety on school-issued devices that includes safesearch mode, firewalls and off-the-shelf content filters.

Today is the International Day of Education and the theme this year is AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation. There is more than a hint of caution here. In choosing this theme, UNESCO is asking us all to reflect on the power of education to help us understand the best way forward as computers and AI-systems speed ahead in terms of sophistication and advancement, blurring the lines between humanity and human-created.

OneSchool Global is weaving the benefits of technology throughout its learning framework with the aim of reaping the benefits and risking none of the harm.

Just as OneSchool Global places a significant emphasis on student agency in their learning, so too will the school continue to ensure the preservation of human agency in a world of automation as we continue to leverage technology and evolve with the latest developments in AI to provide the best possible learning outcomes for our students.

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